Wednesday, November 10

Recent Articles on Facebook (Sample Secondary Sources) and a Reminder

Here are links to two New York Times articles that you may sample for the upcoming essay. The first concerns the freedom of speech in the workplace regarding an employee's Facebook status posting. The second discusses potential changes in online privacy.

As a reminder for our next class meeting, I would like you to bring all three texts from this segment of the course; i.e., Braden, Hempel with Lehman, and Westlake.

Tuesday, November 9

Essay #3 Topic Ideas (and Theses) for 11/11

Hello everyone. Again I hope that you found today's "field trip" to be beneficial and informative. Scott is certainly an energetic gentleman and you can be sure to find him in the Library most days. Just visit the Reference Desk!

Below I would like everyone to post a topic idea for Thursday. This should be a topic that you plan on pursuing in your upcoming paper, due one week from this Thursday!

Also post a potential thesis statement that you plan on arguing in your essay.

Remember to get these in by Thursday's class meeting (in truth, it shouldn't take you more than a few minutes at most to compile and post this assignment). Having all these ideas presented online should help everyone formulate stronger and more focused theses when the time comes to begin writing.

Monday, November 8

Slight Change in the Schedule

Hello all. Please make note of the following small changes to the schedule.

T 11/9:
~ Field Trip: Using the Library the Internet: Vital Academic and Scholarly Resources (Meeting Room CL205) 
~ Discussion of Braden’s essay
~ Handout – Proper Citation in a Works Cited Page and Annotated Bibliography
Reading – BH, p.379-387, 392-400

Th 11/11:
~ Proper usage of the semi-colon, colon, and quotation marks
~ Continuation of discussions on Westlake and Braden's texts 
~Review of e-journal #10

T 11/16:
~ Review of Braden, Hempel with Lehman, and Westlake
~ In-class activity: selections from BH, p.382ff, Ex. 34-1 & 34-2; p.386f, Ex. 35-1; p.398ff, Ex. 37-1 & 37-2
No additional reading or writing assignments… work on your paper and revision!

Th 11/18:
Essay #3 Due – bring two extra copies of your document to class to perform a peer-edit!
Revision #2 Due – be sure to staple the original draft copy behind the revision copy in order to receive credit!

Library "Field Trip"

Hello all,

For our class "field trip" tomorrow (11/9), please report to CL205 at 2:00pm sharp. We will be directed by Scott Scheidlower during this important informational session on how to research secondary source material. Again, our "field trip" begins tomorrow at 2:00 o'clock sharp