Wednesday, October 27

Hw #9 for 11/2

Here is the prompt for e-journal #9. Also, do not forget your reading in The Bedford Handbook (p.462-475) as well as the Hempel with Lehman article titled, “The Myspace Generation.” It can be found in the Mercury Reader (p.12-22) and posted on the blog.

Spend the weekend being a bit more aware about your social internet usage, via your computer, your phone, or otherwise. Describe in detail what you are typically doing when you visit one of these sites. How many hours a day do you spend on social sites? Are you a multi-tasker too? Do you feel that face-to-face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete, or do you believe that social ties are becoming stronger via new, electronic mediums?


  1. During weekend, I spent a whole day on internet watching television shows and reading news online. In addition, I spent an hour on YouTube watching music videos and searching the interesting and funniest videos to watch. Other than these activities, I did not visit and do anything else on any of the social sites. I am a fence of Myspace, Facebook, Aim and Twitter communities. Although I have accounts on Myspace and Facebook, I do not spend time on these social networks, because I think it is wasting time for me to communicate with friends and strangers on network sites. I rather like to talk to people on phone or face-to-face interaction than on Facebook or MySpace. Therefore, I only use internet for reading newspaper, researching, watching television shows, ect. I do not spend time on social sites, but I still could use other ways of interaction to make friends and communicate with people. From growth of electronic mediums, I feel that face-to-face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete, and I believe that social ties are becoming stronger via new. No more people would write letters or postcards to their friends and families in which they do not communicate with each other by mailing. Most of the time people would like to email or make a phone call to others when they needed rather than send a letter to them, because in present, people only regard to speech and time. Like me, I focus on time and speech when I have to finish something. Therefore, I am a multi-tasker. I can listen to my iPod, read the newspaper, and even answer the phone while sitting on the toilet. Most of the time, I would talk on phone and write email at the same time or watch television online while I am doing my homework.

  2. This weekend I came to the realization that I might not be using my computer in a way that is efficient to me. I do not spend too much time on social sites such as Facebook anymore since I have realized how much of a distraction it can be. I also do not multitask as much as I used to. Before I would be listening to music, watching television, and do homework at the same time. Although it took long, I was still able to get it done. Now I can't do it because it can get too distracting. This weekend I ended up finishing my essay at around 3 in the morning because I did not manage my time and attention properly online. While I did not go on Facebook, I would get distracted and look up Scrubs videos on Youtube. When I had to look up information, I ended up lost reading information that was completely irrelevant to what I had to look up. I believe that social ties might be becoming stronger via electronic mediums in way, like how you will always stay connected to people no matter what. There will always be that face-to-face interaction, so technology is only making ties stronger by keeping everybody connected.

  3. I have an obsession with the internet I must be connected 24/7. When I'm logged on to the internet I'm usually only wrapped up in social networks, such as twitter and facebook. They keep me entertained when I become bored. These sites also gives me a sense of not being alone, because I can chat with other people I let them know what i'm doing and vice versa. I keep these 2 sites on at all times when i'm doing activities such as watching tv or doing homework. When ever I think about the internet I only can think of those two sites. I even take them on go with me, and use them as apps on my phone. I feel face to face interaction has become less and less, because we can chat online to our friends and family. However when face to face reaction occurs it happens its more interactive because you feel a closer bond wit the person. I believe the internet can only bring people closer together

  4. Over the weekend, I signed onto my facebook account. I sometimes sign on the internet without realizing I just signed on. When I log on i check my notifications, than just look through the facebook. I like some of the social networks because it gives you a good network. For example, if you song or have any talent you can use social networks to gain a larger network. While i'm on these sites im ususally on the phone or listing to music. Sometimes i'm watching television, or talking to someone while im online. Social ties or becoming larger because of the internet. People are infliuenced but everything the internet shows. In a way it is becoming stronger, because now people need a computer in there homes. Back than people didn't need internet but now they do.

  5. During the weekend I tried my best to monitored my usage of technology. I spend most my free time either bbming or on facebook. while on facebook i dont really chat or update my statuses to much because it is a constant annoyance to me, I to keep a certain amount of privacy even though i'm constantly plugged in. I mostly play games on while on Facebook. most my close friends have a Blackberry So I chat via BBM instead of calls or texts, it is alot more convient.

    I'm a HUGE multitasker, I do my Hwk while on the phone, texting, eating, watching tv, painting my nails, etc. If i'm not multitasking I tend to lose interest in whatever i'm doing. a typical day means spending 4-5 hours on the computer for either school, work, or pleasure.

    I do feel that at times face to face interactions are becoming obsolete. I think we all have an example of a person who is fun and super cool on the computer but in person they are akward and wierd. I feel that they are only cool when not involved in face to face interactions. Even my boss is plugged in to the internet and social networking just as much as I am. I rue the day that I taught my boss ( a 41yr father of 4) how to text!... AHHH thats all he does text and email now, he forgot how to pick up the phone and make a call. Social ties via new electtric mediums are becoming stronger and it is a great thing to a certain extent. I think that face to face interactions are still super important. I wanna live in reality and not a virtual reality.

  6. Almost my whole weekend I spent it roaming throught the internet via social sites. I do not count the amount of time I spent on the internet because I literally spend the whole day on it. It isn't like I forget about everything and the whole world around me, I still do other chores. For example o spend most of my time in AIM or on Facebook talking to my friends. I believe face to face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete because there is no longer a need for that since technology has allowed us to use webcams or even use our own cellphones tot interact live with our love ones. Social networking is becoming stronger via electrnoic mediums because now more then ever everybody owns a smart phone or a computer with internet access, therefore giving us access to these networks.

  7. I usually sign on my facebook and my yahoo account to check any new messages or comments, also to stay in touch and on track with my friends also with society. During the weekend I frequently sing in and off my account while I'm doing my h.w.
    I typically spend about 4 hours in total online, my opinion is that any type of connection is good for socializing, so I don't think talking to a friend online make the relationship any less important or distant.
    I talk to my friends any way I can to stay in touch with them the method I use is unimportant to me.

  8. Over the weekend I have logged onto my facebook account once. I checked my notifications to see what comments or responses I got. After replying back to them I viewed a few of my friends profiles to see what they were upto and to check if they had put up any pictures. I was logged on altogether for less than an hour.

    Facebook and other social sites allow people to interact through the internet. As a result, these sites are causing face to face interactions to decrease because face to face interaction is no longer necessary. I believe this affects the strength of the social ties between people by weakening the bonds between them. The reason I say this is because I believe emotions cannot be expressed or fully comprehended through the internet as well as if it were in person. This causes the bonds to become more artificial because in order for a bond to be real I believe emotions must be present.

  9. Since Friday I was so involved in different parties that I did not used my computer as I usually do. On Sunday morning I turned on my computer and the first place I went was facebook. Facebook is my favorite social network for now because you never know if something better is going to come out. However, I prefer to text or talk in my phone than chatting on facebook even though this site keep me entertained. If I'm in my house I always have my television on, my computer on and my phone next to me and those things have become a distraction in my life because when is time to do homework I become so lazy that I always do them at last minute. In my opinion face to face interactions are becoming obsolete because people now prefer to text on their phone or chat on social networks rather than having a pleasant conversation face to face. I believe that social networks such as facebook, myspace or twitter help to create new friendship between people.

  10. During the weekend i spent most of my time on my computer. Most of this time spent was used for watching dramas korean ones to be specific. sometimes i would switch to face book to see if any of m y friends are available to talk. if they are not i go back to watching my drama. in a ll when i checked i spent more than five hours online.
    i think face to face interaction is at risk due to the internet but personally being a person who lacks in certain areas socially do not see any real dangers in it.

  11. I absolutely love the internet. I usually spend quite sometime on social networks. The main ones are Twitter and Facebook. I love these websites, especially Faceboook. I am always signed on to these websites 24/7 because I downloaded the app on my iPhone. On Twitter I tweet anything that I am doing and also how I feel about anything. It is basically a diary that your followers and anyone can see and they can retweet your statements. It allows you to see how people view certain topics and things in the world. Facebook is a great way to meet new people and also to reconnect with people that you have lost contact with. I upload new pictures of me and my friends and I often update my status. I often spend about an hour or more on Facebook and on Twitter I basically tweet everyday. I would say that I am a multi-tasker. My phone allows me to talk on the phone and be on one of these social networks at the same time. I also listen to music while I am either on Facebook or Twitter. Social ties are becoming stronger via new electronic mediums because it allows the person to speak to someone without being face-to-face with them. This would benefit someone who is shy and people can speak without being nervous. If a close friend is away and if their phone is not working they could log on to a social network and communicate with their friend. The internet is a great way for people to communicate with one another. More social networks will be invented in the future and more people will be connected.

  12. This weekend I spent some time with my friends and family. We have not done nothing special than spend hours in an animate conversation. Saturday night I went out with my husband to celebrate our fifth anniversary. Sunday, I woke up late and the following four hours I was looking for relevant websites about pregnancy, baby and growing family. However, this was not a typical weekend, since most of the weekends I am working and I am usually too tired to be logged on. While on the computer I talked on the phone, I followed the president election in Brazil and I set up my budget for the month.

  13. This weekend I observed my activties on the computer and realized that I have not used the computer as much as I usually do. In the past I can recall me being on the computer on the weekends for hours at a time, on facebook and twitter. I would mostly use my phone for social networking and not to even update my status or to even tweet. I update probably every other day and talk to people who I don’t usually talk to on a daily basis to ask how they are doing or just to link up and go to the movies or do something else.Me and social networking sites used to be like bread and butter because everybody was on it, but now ill just disregard it unless I hear something is going on such as a party or an event.

  14. I actually did see a difference in my behavior when it came down to being online. The site i'm usually on the most is Facebook. I usually work with tabs when i'm online that way its much faster an easier to get around the different number of pages i have open. I'm on Facebook in one tab and on the other one i'm on youtube. This is because i can do anything without listening to music. So yes i'm a multi tasker, i change music while flipping through people's profiles and pictures everyday. But while im doing all this im also watching the football game, which grabs most of my attention. i really dont follow twitter or any other of those websites that other people are always on. That's why i stick to facebook, and other websites as well. I feel that you can either make ties stronger and make face to face meetings obsolete. Now thats becasue people have more confidence talking on facebook because youre not as nervous as you are face to face. This also is true because when it comes to meeting someone face to face it can be done...depending if its agreed upon by both people. I think the Internet is a positive feature overall.

  15. Throughout the weekend I have noticed that my behavior when watching TV and while on the internet is really bad. I noticed that when I am watching TV and someone disturbs me I get very upset, I noticed this when I was watching TV one day and my sister came inside the room talking so loudly that I could not hear the television so I screamed at her and told her to get out, I even told her a few curse words. I also noticed that whenever I go on the internet I always go straight to facebook and I remember on saturday when I was on facebook my computer was being very slow so I begin to press buttons multiple times and banging on the computer making it even worse. I also find myself multitasking; watching TV, on multiple websites at a time, and on my phone either texting or talking on it. I was also on this website so that I can do my homework but I found myself either distracted by facebook or by watching TV and as you can see those things stopped me from doing my homework because I am sitting here on 11/2 doing it now. I find myself on facebook all day if im not doing anyting else even at 2 or 3 in the morning! I also noticed that I do not talk to my friends face-to-face as much as i do via text or through the internet. I believe that face-to-face interaction could possibly become obsolete because there is so much new technology coming out that give people no reason to talk to eachother face-to-face unless they want to hangout. They even have webcam which give people a chance to see eachother without actually meeting up with eachother. I believe technology will soon take over the entire world unless it is stopped.

  16. As a participant of social networking I realzie that I don't spend as much time on it as I used to but on average I use it about 2 hours a day. Social networking is a dominant part of society and I believe that it will continue to develop and impact society. Many people do use it as a means of communication and for some it is a primary use of communication. I'm not really a person who uses the phone a lot but rather text's more often. Face to face communication will never become obsololete as long as people need people. Facebook, Myspace, and many other sites are becoming dominant and mainly because people have been addicted to it.

  17. I’ve notice that as a daily routine, when I come home I say to myself I’m going to do my homework and the first thing I do is going on Facebook. When I visit this site I chat with others and see how they are doing, basically communicating. As I was being aware about my social internet usage, I realized I multi-task by going on Facebook, doing homework and listening music at the same time. I feel that people over use social sites, especially teens. In a sense sites such as Facebook, can distract and potentially cause harm to someone if meeting strangers online. It is meant to be a way of communication but I feel it’s being use otherwise.

  18. While I observed my social internet usage, I typically just went on the website to view updates that I have on my profile or my friend’s profile. This normally took me only 15-20 minutes each time I went on which was like 1-2 times a day. I believe I am a multi-tasker because while using the internet I’m listening to music, with SportCenter on the TV and doing some form of school work. While multi-tasking I am more focused on the work I need to get done even though it may seem like more of a distraction.

    I do not believe that social ties are becoming obsolete but actually stronger. Even though, you may not be able to see someone face-to-face thanks to new electronic mediums we are capable of staying connected. This is becoming a new trend among the corporate world, where two corporations can communicate with each other from half way across the world and get a business deal done. That is not affect there interaction but making it stronger and the same can be said about two people on opposites ends of the world. You maybe in America but have a close friend move to Australia and because of the new electronic mediums they can keep in contact while not being face-to-face.

  19. I have somewhat of a habit of checking my mail often. I'm usually on my facebook but i never stay online for more than about 5-10 minutes. However it has become a bit of a distraction. While doing a assignment, I often pull out my phone and go on facebook. Wthis often leds me being distracted, and obviously not making me much of a multi-tasker. Other than that I do not visit any other social sites. I've come to a realization that text messaging and other networking options have made social ties stronger, however, I've also noticed that many of my friends are less entertaining face to face. I've met quite a few people over facebook and none of them give me that same feeling of comfortability and interaction which occurs when on facebook. Meeting my beau every now and often isn't quite the same anymore either.

  20. Throughout the weekend I became aware of my internet usage and the consistency in which I use social networking sites. As soon as I turn my computer on I open Internet Explorer at which point 3 tabs come up immediately; Yahoo mail, York college site, English 125, and My Chemical Romance’s official site. Instinctually I redirect the York college site to Meebo, which is am IMing site, log in and begin to converse with my girlfriend. Then I skim MCR’s website before redirecting it to Facebook where I’m always logged in, I check my updates and return to my email, check any new emails and continue chatting on Meebo. As time passes I sign in to blackboard, begin my homework and listen to music. Yes, I am a multi-tasker, though I’ve come to realize it works pretty well for me; it never seems to be much of a distraction if one at all. I must admit I do indeed spend many hours on the social networking sites, mainly Meebo; Facebook I only check every couple of hours only to respond to updates. On the phone I usually spend about an hour, maybe less, every day speaking with my girlfriend. Personally I don’t believe face-to face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete, at least not in my life, because the only real reason I use these sites is because my girlfriend’s currently attending the University of Vermont, otherwise I go out with my friends, meet face to face, talk, watch movies, take a walk in the park. I will admit however, that there are others who only interact with people online, in these cases face-to-face interaction really is at a great risk of becoming obsolete. Thus we must keep in mind that the internet’s main purpose is to help us expand our knowledge but not to destroy our other methods of communicating.

  21. Well i took notice of my internet usage, my phone usage and Ive realized that i go alot of social networks such as facebook and i dont really talk on the fone. i dont honestly believe that personal interactions will become totally obsolete but it will become less interactive and people might forget ow to say hello in the upcoming generations. i must say i am not too well of a multi tasker especially wen it comes to doin work and talking to my friends and family i would just want to put my work aside and talk or go on facebook or something of that sort. so i believe that personal interactions will not become obsolete in out society but its something to work on and make it not happen.

  22. As I became more aware about my social internet usage and phone usage it made me realize how awful it had gotten. The whole weekend I spent working all day and coming home around9 p.m. With a lot of assignments due and exams coming up; I put all that aside and just went straight to the computer. The first thing that I typed on the browser was indeed facebook, I didn’t even realize and later on noticed so much time passed by. Aggravated at myself for wasting so much time with so much work to do, as well as being extremely tired I still could not get off it till a couple of hours. With facebook on I also go on YouTube and play music, in addition to that I chat to people on aim. I thought to myself that I would start my assignments any moment but didn’t seem to get anywhere being so occupied with these other things. As I pushed myself to get a little work done my phone ran, and I ended up just talking for an hour. I am definitely not a good multi-tasker with school work and social internet usage. However, I can multi-task with other things that I do during my leisure hours.
    I must say that face-to-face interaction is at risk of becoming obsolete for we seem to be so connected to a person through facebook we don’t seem to have the need of meeting in person. With pictures, Status updates, Comments, etc… we can keep in touch and know what’s going on with an individual without seeing them. With my own personal experience back in the days when these social internet sites were not as popular, I used to hang out with my friends all the time for not only to spend time with each other but there was nothing better to do. Instead of sitting on facebook I would be with my friends. Although these social sites are a great way to keep in touch we must not get carried away, and make it the only way of keeping in touch. Also one must know how to balance out the amount of time wasted on these sites.


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