Tuesday, November 2

Essay #3 Rubric; Westlake, Braden, and Bedford Handbook Readings

This post contains the next round of readings for the upcoming few class periods. So be sure to download and print any relevant materials that you do not yet have in your possession.

But before beginning these readings you should first view the Rubric for Essay #3. You will receive a copy of this document as a handout in class, so there is no need to print a copy unless you lose your original. Remember that it is here for reference.

Here is the link for the Westlake article, to be read for Thursday 11/4. VIP -- Read only the following sections, indicated by a bold type heading: News Feed, Understanding Facebook, The Performativity of Social Networking {only pages 25-27 (stop after reading the second-to-last paragraph on p.27), 30f}, Performative Surveillance, Epilogue). This article can be dense at times with its mentioning of philosophy and social theory. Absorb this information through a surface-level reading. I do not expect everyone to understand all the contents of this piece; however, I encourage you to look up information and terms that are foreign to you so that you may better comprehend this text. Our in-class discussion will undoubtedly shed some light as to the meaning and argumentative purpose of Westlake's article.

Here is the link for Braden's essay. Have this read for Tuesday 11/9.

Lastly, here you can find a link for the in-class reading of Hacker's text: BH - p.482-487. Be sure to bring this for Tuesday 11/9 also.

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