Tuesday, September 28

In-class Reading, Gladwell's Text, and HW#5 for Tue (10/5)

Before coming to class Tuesday (10/5), please have previewed the following reading in The Bedford Reader: p.498-503.

For this next Thursday (10/7) please read and bring to class Gladwell's article, "The Tipping Point".

As a last reminder, do not forget that HW#5 is due a week from today. Please post your comments below before we meet for class next Tuesday. Thank you. Here is the prompt:

Why do you think it is important that one needs to give due credit to those whom they draw information from and reference? What are some ways that plagiarism may be avoided?

Monday, September 27

Full Schedule Update!

Be sure to check the Schedule of Readings and Written assignments page immediately after reading this posting, as I have updated the class meetings for the remainder of the semester. If you have any questions or notice any inconsistencies, please leave a comment below or feel free to email me.