For the 19th and 21th, be sure to bring all the articles we have read thus far in the second segment of the course so that we can discuss potential paper topics throughout the week's meetings.
I have yet to scan Thursday's reading (p.35-51 from the Hacker text) as I do not have access to the proper technology over the weekend. Therefore, early Monday morning (roughly 11am) I will have this reading appear as an added link to this very posting... thus, please revisit this post, locate the link, then download and print the reading, if need be. Having this reading prepared for class on the 21th is essential for our discussions that day.
Enjoy your weekend,
T 10/19:
~ Discussion of e-journal #7 (post your journal entry, but bring a hard copy to class too) and Essay #2 ideas
~ Be sure to bring Gladwell, Gore, and Winn texts to class
Reading: BH, p.35-51
e-journal #8: After reading from the Hacker text, take one of your paragraphs from e-journal #7 and revise accordingly. Then, as a second requirement, offer a draft thesis statement which you would consider using for your upcoming essay assignment. We will review these anonymously (as can be, after all) in class in order to identify key issues, lines of argumentation, and textual support.
~ Be sure to bring Gladwell, Gore, and Winn texts to class
Reading: BH, p.35-51
e-journal #8: After reading from the Hacker text, take one of your paragraphs from e-journal #7 and revise accordingly. Then, as a second requirement, offer a draft thesis statement which you would consider using for your upcoming essay assignment. We will review these anonymously (as can be, after all) in class in order to identify key issues, lines of argumentation, and textual support.
Th 10/21:
~ Making global revisions, then revising sentences before proofreading
~ Further discussion of possible essay topics, developing thesis statements, and, vitally, the use of quotation and proper citation to support one's thesis
No additional reading or writing assignments… work on your paper and revision!
~ Further discussion of possible essay topics, developing thesis statements, and, vitally, the use of quotation and proper citation to support one's thesis
No additional reading or writing assignments… work on your paper and revision!